Entries by rebeccakoconnor

Welcome to the Written Bird

I am currently working on a book called, The Field Guide to Awe and every Sunday morning, I will be sharing a micro-essay, research I’ve encountered, and a simple exercise that has helped me and others discover awe through nature and art. Oh. And there’s likely to be birds because when isn’t there with me? I hope that you’ll stick with me and get a bit of encouragement to find your own moments of awe.

About a Bird: Screech Owl

I have mixed feelings about my relationship with owls. You spend enough time trying to train them and they both enamor you and infuriate you. Training a simple flight to the glove feels like pulling talons with most North American owls. The just don’t seem to logic much, but then, if your hearing was so […]

Waiting for Western Tanagers

The birds seem certain that spring is coming. They are moving through my little town in unexpected flashes of wings I haven’t seen in months, or perhaps more than a year. Surely, as with every year, they passed through in that strange March when everything changed. If they did, I was huddled inside more attuned […]